Thursday, February 25, 2010

Year of the Tiger Celebration

Ms. Ling Wang is a very famous artist of the dance who was born in Shanghai , China , As a well rounded dancer with solid techniques she has danced the leading roles in large-scale Dance Dramas such as Flying to the Moon (奔月), Half-Screen Mountain (半屏山), and The Phoenix Cries on the Mountain (凤鸣歧山). She is chosen as a famous artist of the dance from all over the world on Wikipedia. Ms. Ling Wang has also acted in movies and TV drama series, making her a versatile performing artist. Since relocating to U.S.A. in 1988, she has devoted herself to teaching Chinese classical dance and is a well known Chinese Classical Dance Teacher in the Bay area.
美丽优雅的著名舞蹈艺术家王苓华生于中国上海,她的出色成就亦使她入选世界维基百科全书当代艺术家名人词典。她曾多次代表中国优秀艺术家进行国际文化交流. 她的舞艺精湛,在多出著名大型舞剧, 如《奔月》,《半屏山》,《凤鸣歧山》等中担任主角。她在西游记中扮演*杏仙*,在2009年的全世界网上评比中被评为中国中央电视台**西游记**中的第一美女. 深受西游记影迷们的高度评价。她以多才多艺集于一身而闻名于演艺界。她自1988年旅居美国,在湾区创立了舞蹈班,教授孩童和成人舞蹈艺术,目前是湾区著名的中国古典舞教师。.她是一个充满爱心的母亲,有两个可爱的男孩。除了繁忙的工作和家务外,王老师热心积极参与各种社会公益和赈灾义演活动。


Thank you for your Support!

Please enjoy a video of her students performing:
